Friday, November 25, 2005

Place of Unity is a place of Power

[ Charles ] | 11:35 AM | Comment(s)

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

i love my sister!!!( thats written by my sister by the way)

anyway, training has been okay. The only exhausting thing is the intervals and 4.8km runs. i cant keep up with the pace. but kudos to hazreen and redzuan sial, they seriously fit. The whole vj team is monster. They are either super fit or fast or strong. And keefe's basics super good. Its going to be hard to break the first team and if i want to do it i have to really lose some weight and get my stamina back.

Oh i had lunch with the guys after the wasteful time we spent in school listening to subra. it was pretty nice time, havent seen them in a while. thanks ruth.

BUSY BUSY BUSY. byebye. have fun guys.

[ Charles ] | 8:20 PM | Comment(s)

Monday, November 14, 2005

I came school with a bad bad stomachache. My backside wanted to explode. So i ran to the staff toilet. Lucky me, it was open. Anyway, i sat down for 4 seconds and i was done. The burden was out. MY GOODNESS!! My shit look like chocolate pudding la. Super sick. Somemore it landed on toilet paper so it looked like pudding served on a white platter. Too bad my phone camera spoil not i could share with you the amazing sight. Anyway, after that i went back to the canteen to go back to my quotes.

"We men may say more, swear more. But indeed our shows are more than will; for still we prove much in our vows but little in our love."

How true. Anyway back to the exam. It was really okay. It was a question that we have done before so it was merely just trying to repeat what i have done. But the passage-base was hard because it was difficult trying to elaborate why it was funny and comical. My hand did hurt from all that writing. So pain.

I could be your sea of sand
I could be your warmth of desire
I could be your prayer of hope
I could be your gift to everyday
I could be your tide of heaven
I could be a hint of what's to come
I could be ordinary
I could be the one

4 more days.

[ Charles ] | 11:09 AM | Comment(s)

Thursday, November 10, 2005

And I feel just like I'm living someone else's life
It's like I just stepped outside
When everything was going right
And I know just why you could not come along with me
This was not your dream
But you always believed in me.

The song is so lovely. Anyway im still counting down. 9 more days till the end. Oh, stress makes you eat alot, and i really do mean ALOT. Time to sleep and whack those books tomorrow (hopefully) Goodnight dear world.

[ Charles ] | 12:15 AM | Comment(s)

Monday, November 07, 2005

YAWN. Nothing i studied my heart out for came out for the O'level SS paper. So disappointing, but thank God that despite the weird questions that i didnt expect, question1 was easy and i could remember the factors clearly though i couldnt remember the facts number for number. So i guess i'll do pretty well for ss. Oh, emath was on the easy side, but i got tricked/conned/manipulated by the question. 100% actually means 2X. And that results to losing 2 marks. And that results to a lower probability of me getting an A1.Anyway, its only 10 more days to end of Olevels and i thankd God mightily for that. And i really need a kick to push me ot study. I have been guilty of slacking this few days.

[ Charles ] | 7:31 PM | Comment(s)

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Time is really passing so slowly. 18 november, the date of departure. Depart from VS and enter a whole new institution and start afresh and get my scholarship. I really hope i do well. Its really scary to not know whether your efforts will reap results. Nerve-racking. Anyway, decided to stay back in megalife to help VS cell out. Thats certainly one important issue that i've finally settled.

Oh, Source Based Question are really interesting. The only question i hate is the testing assertion question. Lame la. Have splurt everything out again. But one think i must achieve is to hav a good time management. I've finished 2 chapters of SS. Singapore's health/education/population. Going to finish up industrialisation(sec3) and merger. And i guess that wraps up my preparation for ss. But i'll definitely refresh my memory on sat and sunday. OH, one subject im afraid of is certainly emath and physics. I havent really be studying physics and im so darn careless in emath.

Michael buble - Home. what a lovely song. Hah, i failed to stay away from dota. but im trying desperately to still study (: and im doing pretty fine i guess.

Love everlasting till everlasting. Does not seek revenge, is patient, always trusts, always hopes and always perseveres.

[ Charles ] | 11:18 PM | Comment(s)


You never know whats going to hit you

About me

Victoria School
Victoria Junior College


syen yuin




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Reinventing Your Exit
The Beautiful Mistake